Wednesday 20 January 2016

Well we've walked the Southern Isle

Well we've walked the Southern Isle
(of Australia's two big ones).
Done it with some pain, a smile,
relaxed/ intense, in "wigwams".

I don't mean we've walked THE lot,
just NoBo (that is North-Bound)
from South Cape, to ol' North Point,
(not quite nothin', so I've found).

At times we went: in-house (with bed),
under blue tarps, or blue skies,
cabins, or where campers fed,
'times with showers,.. & with flies.

Sometimes talking, sometimes quiet!
Learning from Creator's work;
story, colour blazing riot,
moving on, at rest, not shirk-

-king from the trail now travelled,
and still to come (with help).
Some of it now unravelled,
some wrapped up with more than self.

Folk have walked along some way
and those trails are "done 'n' dust-
ted", shared life, & learned to pray
as though God was one of us...

Tedius, at times it was,
wonderous - quite often too,
ponderous sometimes because
of blisters/ foot-sore in shoe,

and because of so much good
to ponder as we walked on
since the tale that Mark told would
come each day, before too long...

.. what a tale of strength & lure;
made me glad to follow such..
such a man as Yeshua,
who walked then (as we have) much. 

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